

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: touchescancelled

How to intercept touches events on a MKMapView or UIWebView objects?


touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event if touchesBeganCallback touchesBeganCallback touches event void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesMoved NSSet touches..

Intercepting/Hijacking iPhone Touch Events for MKMapView


CGPoint point withEvent UIEvent event NSLog @ Hit Test map super hitTest point withEvent event return self void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event NSLog @ s __FUNCTION__ map touchesCancelled touches withEvent event void touchesBegan.. withEvent event return self void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event NSLog @ s __FUNCTION__ map touchesCancelled touches withEvent event void touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event NSLog @ s __FUNCTION__ map touchesBegan.. touchesBegan NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event if touchesBeganCallback touchesBeganCallback touches event void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesMoved NSSet touches..

Detecting UITableView scrolling


UITableView as KRTableView and implemented the four touch based methods touchesBegan touchesEnded touchesMoved and touchesCancelled so that I can detect when a touch based event is being handled on a UITableView. Essentially what I need to detect is when.. NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event super touchesMoved touches withEvent event NSLog @ touchesMoved occured void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event super touchesCancelled touches withEvent event NSLog @ touchesCancelled occured void.. touches withEvent event NSLog @ touchesMoved occured void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event super touchesCancelled touches withEvent event NSLog @ touchesCancelled occured void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event super touchesEnded..

Touch Event on UIView


void touchesMoved NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event The official docs for these methods is under Responding to Touch Events in the UIResponder..

Tap pressure strength detection using accelerometer


withEvent UIEvent event setNextPressureValue KNumberOfPressureSamples self.state UIGestureRecognizerStatePossible void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event self.state UIGestureRecognizerStateFailed void reset pressure CPBPressureNone setNextPressureValue..

UIView Popup like UIAlertView


lastTouchLocation touch locationInView self void touchesEnded NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event void touchesCancelled NSSet touches withEvent UIEvent event @end Then where you want to show that alert you need #import MyAlertView.h and MyAlertView..

UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?


events to the inner view but then you have moved the finger far enough for the scrolling to begin UIScrollView calls touchesCancelled on the inner view and starts scrolling. Note how when you touch a table hold your finger a bit and then start scrolling.. can clone touch objects before they are mutated. Given that you always forward touchesBegan you also have to forward touchesCancelled and touchesEnded . You have to turn touchesEnded into touchesCancelled however because UIScrollView would interpret touchesBegan.. forward touchesBegan you also have to forward touchesCancelled and touchesEnded . You have to turn touchesEnded into touchesCancelled however because UIScrollView would interpret touchesBegan touchesEnded sequence as a touch click and would forward it to..

Scrolling with two fingers with a UIScrollView


events i.e. touchesBegan than some number of touchesBegan touchesMoved touchesEnded finished with touchesEnded or touchesCancelled especially when dealing with UIScrollView. #2 can be tricky. If you decide the event is for UIScrollView another trick is..