

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: tourl

How to post more parameters with image upload code in iOS?


am uploading image on php server and successfully uploaded with the help of this code NSString uploadData NSData data toURL NSString urlStr NSString _userID File upload code adapted from http www.cocoadev.com index.pl HTTPFileUpload and http www.cocoadev.com..

Core Data causing app to crash while migrating


destinationOptions error 1470 3 CoreData 0x000aceb0 NSStoreMigrationPolicy InternalMethods migrateStoreAtURL toURL storeType options withManager error 92 4 CoreData 0x000ad6f0 NSStoreMigrationPolicy migrateStoreAtURL withManager metadata.. destinationOptions error 1040 11 CoreData 0x000aceb0 NSStoreMigrationPolicy InternalMethods migrateStoreAtURL toURL storeType options withManager error 92 12 CoreData 0x000ad6f0 NSStoreMigrationPolicy migrateStoreAtURL withManager metadata..

Drawing waveform with AVAssetReader


alloc init NSURL assetURL item valueForProperty MPMediaItemPropertyAssetURL import importAsset assetURL toURL assetFileURL completionBlock ^ TSLibraryImport import check the status and error properties of TSLibraryImport if import.error..

URL decoding/encoding NSString


NSString I am using three20's URL navigator and I want to create a map as follows map from Group class name @ show toURL @ tt group gid name The issue here name can be multiple words and so there is spaces in between. Now I need to URL encode..

Default dataset for Core Data based iPhone application


data option 1 is probably going to be easier but you could use NSPersistenStoreCoordinator's migratePersistentStore toURL options withType error or the equivalent in iPhone Core Data still under NDA to create the new store from the pre poplated..