

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:03

iphone Programming Glossary: touchxml

SimpleXML way of parsing in Objective C for iPhone App


to handle the events triggered upon encountering XML elements values etc... Use of libxml2 based framework such as TouchXML to make use of the XPath to easily query nodes in the XML file. I'm not sure if there are any other approach to parsing..

Objective-C DOM XML parser for iPhone


How to access SOAP services from iPhone


Are there good and easy to understand tutorials on NSXMLParser? [closed]


the seismicXML example from apple but it's really hard to grasp. I also know there are plenty of other frameworks like TouchXML but I want to understand NSXMLParser. I just want it. I know it's stupid. But I want. iphone nsxmlparser share improve..

How to write to an XML file from the iPad OS?


is MacOS X Cocoa only. You have available on iPhone NSXMLParser and several external libraries built on libxml2 TouchXML KissXML and a couple of others. Note that KissXML supports writing XML. Other XML libraries that have been suggested include..

How can I connect iPhone and web service and get XML data?


package a request send it to a web service and read the response. If you need some help with XML parsing there is the TouchXML library which will give you a nice xml document to work with. Just be cautious of memory usage. If you have to parse large..

If I want my iOS app to use a RESTful WebService that returns XML data, which APIs do I want to start learning?


Parsing XML code on iphone SDK


least 3 functions to work as you have done. If you want to clean it up think about using a third party script such as TouchXML or KissXML . As for making this dynamic you can put those numbers into an array and read them out or change the way you're.. If the elementName is in your dictionary set parentNodeName to the elementName otherwise leave it as is. Using TouchXML requires a bit less code. It works with xpaths so you can specify section name item title in a path format. Here is a brief..

How should I architect my iPhone app to talk to my website?


to parse the XML and update the model. You can use NSXMLParser but if your files are not huge I strongly recommend TouchXML it's such a pleasure to work with XML as document it also supports XPath instead of an event based API. You can use this..

iPhone Development - XMLParser vs. libxml2 vs. TouchXML


Development XMLParser vs. libxml2 vs. TouchXML I cannot find comparison of these parsing technique. Which one is most commonly used Regards. Mustafa iphone libxml2 xml.. the .Net world. Thus there is a need desire for a native Objective C wrapper around libxml to make it more familiar. TouchXML is one such wrapper. It works well if you only need read access to the XML. If you want to alter the XML or create XML fragments..

What's the best way to parse RSS/Atom feeds for an iPhone application?


application So I understand that there are a few options available as far as parsing straight XML goes NSXMLParser TouchXML from TouchCode etc. That's all fine and seems to work fine for me. The real problem here is that there are dozens of small..

dynamic XML parsing


XML Parsing in Cocoa Touch/iPhone


Parsing in Cocoa Touch iPhone Okay i have seen TouchXML parseXML NSXMLDocument NSXMLParser but i am really confused with what to to do. I have an iphone app which connects to a..

Better performance with libxml2 or NSXMLParser on the iPhone?


With your experience in dealing with data that's 100Kb what do you prefer for optimal performance I'm currently using TouchXML libxml2 and looking to see if it's possible to optimize on the parsing speeds as is. Thanks for your feedback iphone objective..

TouchXML parsing XML attributes


parsing XML attributes How do I use touchXML to parse this XML I want to store all the attributes as key value pairs in..