

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: topointtoview

How do I determine if a coordinate is in the currently visible map region?


getLongitude Determine if point is in view. Is there a better way then this point mapView convertCoordinate coordinate toPointToView nil if point.x 0 point.y 0 Add coordinate to array that is later added to mapView So I am asking convertCoordinate where.. c cocoa touch iphone sdk 3.0 mapkit share improve this question In your code you should pass a view for the toPointToView option. I gave it my mapView . You have to specify an upper bound for the x and y too. Here's some code which worked for.. annotationWithShop shop self.mapView addAnnotation ann CGPoint annPoint self.mapView convertCoordinate ann.coordinate toPointToView self.mapView if annPoint.x 0.0 annPoint.y 0.0 annPoint.x self.mapView.frame.size.width annPoint.y self.mapView.frame.size.height..

Car (Annotation) animation (like uber app) not working


mapPoint CGPoint toPos if UIDevice currentDevice systemVersion floatValue 7 toPos self.mapView convertCoordinate coord toPointToView self.mapView else CGFloat zoomFactor self.mapView.visibleMapRect.size.width self.mapView.bounds.size.width toPos.x mapPoint.x.. CLLocationCoordinate2D coord MKCoordinateForMapPoint mapPoint CGPoint toPos self.mapView convertCoordinate coord toPointToView self.mapView if MKMapRectContainsPoint self.mapView.visibleMapRect mapPoint CABasicAnimation animation CABasicAnimation..

How can I group MKAnnotations automatically regarding zoom level?


if an isKindOfClass MKUserLocation class continue CGPoint point mapView_ convertCoordinate an.coordinate toPointToView nil CGPoint roundedPoint roundedPoint.x roundf point.x 10 10 roundedPoint.y roundf point.y 10 10 NSValue value NSValue valueWithCGPoint..

Longitude, Latitude to XY coordinate conversion


set the area you want to display appropriately on that by setting the region property you can use convertCoordinate toPointToView to map from longitude and latitude to a 2d screen location. Note that MKMapView adjusts the region you set so as to make..