

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:15:02

iphone Programming Glossary: toplevelobjects

Spacing between cells on UITableView with Custom UITableViewCell


UIColor clearColor cardsCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier @ cardsCell if cell nil NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ cardsCell owner self options nil cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 NSString nmCard.. cardsCell if cell nil NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ cardsCell owner self options nil cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 NSString nmCard self.cards valueForKeyPath @ cards.name objectAtIndex indexPath.row cell.descCardLabel.text.. UIColor clearColor cardsCell cell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier @ cardsCell if cell nil NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ cardsCell owner self options nil cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 Use indexPath.row..

UITableView registerNib:forCellReuseIdentifier:


cell and don't find a reusable one so create a new one for you it uses the UINib you provided quite like this NSArray topLevelObjects self.cellNib instantiateWithOwner nil options 0 cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 That's of course a simplified version.. the UINib you provided quite like this NSArray topLevelObjects self.cellNib instantiateWithOwner nil options 0 cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 That's of course a simplified version just to show the principle I don't know if it actually call only these..

Resizing UIImageView within custom UITableViewCell yielding inconsistent results


@ CITImageCellIdentifier if cell nil Load the top level objects from the custom cell XIB. NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ CITImageCell owner self options nil cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 see how we.. custom cell XIB. NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ CITImageCell owner self options nil cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 see how we need to scale the image to make it fit within the full width of the screen float scale tableView.frame.size.width..

iPhone: Create a reusable component (control) that has some Interface Builder pieces and some code


CGRectOffset fooBarViewFrame 0 FOOBARVIEW_HEIGHT FooBarView loadFooBarViewForData MBSomeData data NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ FooBarView owner self options nil FooBarView fooBarView topLevelObjects objectAtIndex.. NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ FooBarView owner self options nil FooBarView fooBarView topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 fooBarView.barView.amountInEuro data.amountInEuro fooBarView.barView.gradientStartColor data.color1 fooBarView.barView.gradientMidColor..

Setting Corner Radius on UIImageView not working


MyTableViewCell cell MyTableViewCell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier if cell nil NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed CellIdentifier owner self options nil cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 cell.previewImage.layer.cornerRadius.. if cell nil NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed CellIdentifier owner self options nil cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 cell.previewImage.layer.cornerRadius 20 Made it 20 to make sure it's obvious. Is there something about the..

iPhone - Fixed (tableHeaderView) with grouped UITableView while scrolling cells


Implementation.m in viewDidLoad Set up the table's header view based on our UIView 'HeaderView' outlet. NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ HeaderView owner nil options nil for id currentObject in topLevelObjects if currentObject.. NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ HeaderView owner nil options nil for id currentObject in topLevelObjects if currentObject isKindOfClass UIView class self.myHeaderView HeaderView currentObject break CGRect newFrame CGRectMake..

TTT attributed Label Multi- colored Font help


Multi colored Font help UITableViewCell makeLikeCell Load the top level objects from the custom cell XIB. NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ SpotlightLikesTableViewCell owner self options nil Grab a pointer to the first object.. a pointer to the first object presumably the custom cell as that's all the XIB should contain . UITableViewCell cell topLevelObjects objectAtIndex 0 NSString likeText likesAndComments objectAtIndex kLikeRow TTTAttributedLabel likeLabel TTTAttributedLabel..

IOS: dynamic height with a custom uitableviewcell


cell HelpTableViewCell tableView dequeueReusableCellWithIdentifier CellIdentifier if cell nil NSArray topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ HelpTableViewCell owner nil options nil for id currentObject in topLevelObjects if currentObject.. topLevelObjects NSBundle mainBundle loadNibNamed @ HelpTableViewCell owner nil options nil for id currentObject in topLevelObjects if currentObject isKindOfClass UITableViewCell class cell HelpTableViewCell currentObject break cell.labelName.text self.instructionName..

IOS, How to add a custom SelectionIndicator to a UIPickerView?


viewForRow NSInteger row forComponent NSInteger component reusingView UIView view SLPickerCell pickerCell nil NSArray topLevelObjects const CGFloat kPickerBorderSize 10 const CGFloat kIndicatorVerticalMargin 2 if this is the first time we enter the function..