

c++ Programming Glossary: gl_float

object loader in opengl


glEnableClientState GL_NORMAL_ARRAY glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT sizeof Vertex model 0 .position glTexCoordPointer 2 GL_FLOAT.. sizeof Vertex model 0 .position glTexCoordPointer 2 GL_FLOAT sizeof Vertex model 0 .texcoord glNormalPointer GL_FLOAT sizeof.. 2 GL_FLOAT sizeof Vertex model 0 .texcoord glNormalPointer GL_FLOAT sizeof Vertex model 0 .normal glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES 0 model.size..

Rendering issue with different computers


GL_ARRAY_BUFFER aVBO.GetVerticesID glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 0 glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 0 glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER.. GL_ARRAY_BUFFER aVBO.GetNormalsID glNormalPointer GL_FLOAT 0 0 glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 0 if model_has_texture drawWithColor.. aVBO.GetTextureCoordsID glTexCoordPointer 2 GL_FLOAT 0 0 glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER 0 glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES..

How to get VBO working


0.0f glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER ID glVertexPointer 2 GL_FLOAT 2 sizeof float 0 glDrawArrays GL_POLYGON 0 3 glFlush You should.. 0.0f glBindBuffer GL_ARRAY_BUFFER ID glVertexPointer 2 GL_FLOAT 2 sizeof float 0 glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES 0 3 glFlush int main..

Again - parallax mapping issue in OpenGL, GLSL. It's not as usual as it seem to be


glVertexAttribPointer __Shader ATTRIB_TANGENT 4 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE 0 0 glEnableVertexAttribArray __Shader ATTRIB_TANGENT..

Generate a plane with triangle strips


glEnableClientState GL_VERTEX_ARRAY glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 getVertices width heigth glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP 0.. glEnableClientState GL_VERTEX_ARRAY glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 getVertices width height glDrawElements GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP..

Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++


GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 vertices 0 glNormalPointer GL_FLOAT 0 normals 0 glTexCoordPointer.. glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 vertices 0 glNormalPointer GL_FLOAT 0 normals 0 glTexCoordPointer 2 GL_FLOAT 0 texcoords 0 glDrawElements.. 0 glNormalPointer GL_FLOAT 0 normals 0 glTexCoordPointer 2 GL_FLOAT 0 texcoords 0 glDrawElements GL_QUADS indices.size GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT..

OpenGL ES Texture Coordinates Slightly Off


translate scale bind operations glTexCoordPointer 2 GL_FLOAT 0 data 0 .t c opengl es textures share improve this question..

Calculating normals in a triangle mesh


GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE 0 indices glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 vertices glDrawElements GL_TRIANGLES 60000 GL_UNSIGNED_INT.. glEnableClientState GL_NORMAL_ARRAY glNormalPointer GL_FLOAT 0 normal glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 vertices glDrawElements.. glNormalPointer GL_FLOAT 0 normal glVertexPointer 3 GL_FLOAT 0 vertices glDrawElements GL_TRIANGLES 60000 GL_UNSIGNED_INT..

Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );


vPosition glVertexAttribPointer vPosition 4 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE 0 BUFFER_OFFSET offset offset sizeof points GLuint.. vColor glVertexAttribPointer vColor 4 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE 0 BUFFER_OFFSET offset offset sizeof quad_colors GLuint.. vTexCoord glVertexAttribPointer vTexCoord 2 GL_FLOAT GL_FALSE 0 BUFFER_OFFSET offset Set the value of the fragment..