

c++ Programming Glossary: gl_front

Glew problems, unresolved externals


Materials initialization and activation glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_AMBIENT mat_ambient glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_DIFFUSE mat_diffuse.. glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_AMBIENT mat_ambient glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_DIFFUSE mat_diffuse glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_DIFFUSE mat_specular.. glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_DIFFUSE mat_diffuse glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_DIFFUSE mat_specular glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_POSITION mat_shininess..

Pointers on modern OpenGL shadow cubemapping?


case . Culling is set to the front faces with glCullFace GL_FRONT The active shader program is switched to the vertex and fragment..

object loader in opengl


GL_SMOOTH glEnable GL_COLOR_MATERIAL glColorMaterial GL_FRONT_AND_BACK GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE glEnable GL_LIGHTING glEnable.. 1 0 glLightfv GL_LIGHT0 GL_POSITION position glPolygonMode GL_FRONT GL_FILL glPolygonMode GL_BACK GL_LINE glutMainLoop return 0..

Calculating normals in a triangle mesh


GLfloat GroundAmbient 0.0 0.5 0.0 1.0 glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_AMBIENT GroundAmbient glEnableClientState GL_VERTEX_ARRAY.. 0.0 1.0 GLfloat GroundDiffuse 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_AMBIENT GroundAmbient glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_DIFFUSE GroundDiffuse.. GL_FRONT GL_AMBIENT GroundAmbient glMaterialfv GL_FRONT GL_DIFFUSE GroundDiffuse glEnableClientState GL_VERTEX_ARRAY..