

c++ Programming Glossary: glutmainloop

Glew problems, unresolved externals


keyboard_s initWindow screen_width screen_height init glutMainLoop return 0 c opengl glut glew share improve this question ..

glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above


found n return 1 if init_resources glutDisplayFunc display glutMainLoop free_resources return 0 c opengl freetype glteximage2d share..

opengl error: Unhandled exception at 0x0251D09F (ig4dev32.dll) in GLTest.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000000 [closed]


glGetString GL_VERSION printf OpenGL versionï¼ s n version glutMainLoop but i get the error in glutCreateWindow OpenGL Version who can..

Fragment shader inexplicable bahaviour


test glutDisplayFunc display glutReshapeFunc reshape init glutMainLoop return 0 I don't think that the vertex shader is causing any..

object loader in opengl


GL_FRONT GL_FILL glPolygonMode GL_BACK GL_LINE glutMainLoop return 0 LMB drag rotates RMB drag pans . And use this v 0.000000..

Skewed frustum/off-axis projection for head tracking in OpenGL


moveCameraZ glutKeyboardFunc leave glutFullScreen glutMainLoop return 0 The following images should be viewed from a distance..

Cannot run Opengl program


KeyPressFunc glutDisplayFunc RenderScene SetupRC glutMainLoop glDeleteTextures 4 textures return 0 I debug the program I use..

C++ OpenGL window only tracks background


routine. glutKeyboardFunc keyInput Begin processing. glutMainLoop return 0 I've been trying for the longest time... For more details..

OpenGL and GLUT in Eclipse on OS X


How to create a class to wrap GULT?


1 glutCreateWindow TEST setUp glutDisplayFunc drawScene glutMainLoop However drawScene is a class method. Is there a way to pass.. trouble with your pattern also though. As far as I know glutMainLoop never returns until you terminate the GLUT context therefore..

How to get VBO working


0 init glutDisplayFunc display glutReshapeFunc reshape glutMainLoop return 0 PS I know this is month old question but I think all..

Using OpenGL glutDisplayFunc within class


0.9f 0.9f 0.9f 0.0 glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT glutMainLoop openedWindow true The display function passed to glutDisplayFunc..

opengl texturing


display glutKeyboardFunc keyboard glutReshapeFunc resize glutMainLoop return 0 void init void glClearColor 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 glEnable..

Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++


glutCreateWindow pendulum glutDisplayFunc display myInit glutMainLoop c opengl share improve this question In OpenGL you don't..

Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );


keyboard glutMouseFunc mouse glutIdleFunc idle glutMainLoop return 0 c debugging opengl segmentation fault share improve..

OpenGL window isn't opening


Methods int main int argc char argv Initialize argc argv glutMainLoop exit EXIT_SUCCESS main.h #ifndef main_h #define main_h #include..

Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL


Key glutSpecialFunc SpecialKey glutDisplayFunc Display glutMainLoop return 0 c c opengl glsl yuv share improve this question..