

c++ Programming Glossary: glviewport

Glew problems, unresolved externals


the color and the depth buffer so to draw the next frame glViewport 0 0 screen_width screen_height Viewport transformation glMatrixMode.. Clear background color to black Viewport transformation glViewport 0 0 screen_width screen_height Projection transformation glMatrixMode..

To pass a pointer to a member function


GlutController OnChangeSize int aNewWidth int aNewHeight glViewport 0 0 aNewWidth aNewHeight mViewFrustrum.SetPerspective APP_CAMERA_FOV..

OpenGL two different 3d rendering picture control on single MFC dialog not working


cy nType SIZE_MINIMIZED return Map the OpenGL coordinates. glViewport 0 0 cx cy Projection view glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity..

Sketching objects near each other [closed]


glutSwapBuffers glFlush void reshape int w int h glViewport 0 0 w h glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity gluPerspective..

OpenGl coordinate system is not at -1 to 1


as your window. In any event this is what you set with glViewport. This assumes your XZ plane is at z 0. share improve this answer..

Skewed frustum/off-axis projection for head tracking in OpenGL


void reshape int w int h heightFromWidth float h float w glViewport 0 0 w h void drawObject std function void GLdouble drawSolid..

Cannot run Opengl program


and the projection matrix. void ChangeSize int w int h glViewport 0 0 w h viewFrustum.SetPerspective 35.0f float w float h 1.0f..

C++ OpenGL window only tracks background


int w int h Set viewport size to be entire OpenGL window. glViewport 0 0 GLsizei w GLsizei h Set matrix mode to projection. glMatrixMode..

OpenGL and GLUT in Eclipse on OS X


perspective matrix void GL_Setup int width int height glViewport 0 0 width height glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glEnable GL_DEPTH_TEST..

How to get VBO working


also make reshape func void reshape int w int h glViewport 0 0 GLsizei w GLsizei h glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity.. sizeof data data GL_STATIC_DRAW void reshape int w int h glViewport 0 0 GLsizei w GLsizei h glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity..

what SDL and OpenGL version and implementation I'm using


SDL_Surface screen SDL_SetVideoMode 640 480 32 SDL_OPENGL glViewport 0 0 640 480 glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity gluPerspective..

Again - parallax mapping issue in OpenGL, GLSL. It's not as usual as it seem to be


GL_DEPTH_TEST glBlendFunc GL_ONE GL_ONE GLfloat ratio glViewport 0 0 ResolutionWidth ResolutionHeight glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION..

Opengl: 2d HUD over 3D


GLdouble x GLdouble y 0.5 20.0 glMatrixMode GL_MODELVIEW glViewport 0 0 x y glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT glLoadIdentity glTranslatef..

Creating a 3D sphere in Opengl using Visual C++


float const win_aspect float win_width float win_height glViewport 0 0 win_width win_height glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT..

OpenGL window isn't opening


Width int Height CurrentWidth Width CurrentHeight Height glViewport 0 0 CurrentWidth CurrentHeight void RenderFunction void glClear..

OpenGL ES has different UV coordinates?


right. Is that OK I am using the same code to setup OpenGL glViewport 0 0 m_screenWidth m_screenHeight glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION..

Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL


glutSwapBuffers static void Reshape int width int height glViewport 0 0 width height glMatrixMode GL_PROJECTION glLoadIdentity Vertical..