

c++ Programming Glossary: glutswapbuffers

Glew problems, unresolved externals


glFlush This force the execution of OpenGL commands glutSwapBuffers In double buffered mode we invert the positions of the visible..

glTexImage2D failing in GLUT/FreeType example with OpenGL 3 and above


Green Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog 1 18 sx 1 440 sy sx sy glutSwapBuffers void free_resources glDeleteProgram program int main int argc..

How can I load 8 bit bmp with OpenGL?


offset tempPixelData for int i 0 i m i clock_t c clock glutSwapBuffers imgCount stp stp means how many images to escape. it can make..

Sketching objects near each other [closed]


glPushMatrix object glPopMAtrix glPopMatrix glutSwapBuffers glFlush void reshape int w int h glViewport 0 0 w h glMatrixMode..

Fragment shader inexplicable bahaviour


GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glutSolidTeapot 10 glutSwapBuffers void reshape int w int h width w height h glutPostRedisplay..

object loader in opengl


glDisableClientState GL_NORMAL_ARRAY glPopMatrix glutSwapBuffers int main int argc char argv ifstream ifile test.obj model LoadOBJ..

Cannot run Opengl program


modelViewMatrix.PopMatrix Flush drawing commands glutSwapBuffers A normal ASCII key has been pressed. In this case advance..

C++ OpenGL window only tracks background


linux machine and it works fine... EDIT I have tried using glutSwapBuffers and that didn't seem to work either. c windows opengl share..

OpenGL and GLUT in Eclipse on OS X


Swap buffers color buffers makes previous render visible glutSwapBuffers Increase angle to rotate angle 0.25 Initialze OpenGL perspective..

opengl texturing


0 1 345 60 0.5 4 0 drawcube 0 1 75 60 0.5 4 0 glEnd glutSwapBuffers void keyboard unsigned char key int x int y switch key case..

How do glPushMatrix() and glPopMatrix() keep the scene the same?


so we can have a clean version to do something next time. glutSwapBuffers Now the way I understand glPushMatrix and glPopMatrix is that..

Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );


theta 1 Theta glDrawArrays GL_TRIANGLES 0 NumVertices glutSwapBuffers void mouse int button int state int x int y if state GLUT_DOWN..

OpenGL window isn't opening


void glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glutSwapBuffers glutPostRedisplay When I compile and try to run my .exe with..

Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL


1.0 0.0 glRotatef Zrot 0.0 0.0 1.0 DrawObject glPopMatrix glutSwapBuffers static void Reshape int width int height glViewport 0 0 width..