

c++ Programming Glossary: glutpostredisplay

Glew problems, unresolved externals


GLfloat screen_width GLfloat screen_height 1.0f 10000.0f glutPostRedisplay This command redraw the scene it calls the same routine of glutDisplayFunc..

How can I load 8 bit bmp with OpenGL?


escape. it can make video faster. offset imgCount numFrame glutPostRedisplay c opengl bmp image preloader share improve this question..

Fragment shader inexplicable bahaviour


glutSwapBuffers void reshape int w int h width w height h glutPostRedisplay int main int argc char argv glutInit argc argv glutInitDisplayMode..

object loader in opengl


GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON curTrans startTrans curMouse startMouse glutPostRedisplay vector Vertex model void display glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT..

Skewed frustum/off-axis projection for head tracking in OpenGL


camZNear camZFar wcsZFar wcsPtHead.z glutPostRedisplay void moveCameraZ int button int state int x int y No mouse wheel.. 2 if state GLUT_DOWN return wcsPtHead.z button 0 1 1 100 glutPostRedisplay void reshape int w int h heightFromWidth float h float w glViewport..

Cannot run Opengl program


y if key 32 nStep if nStep 5 nStep 0 Refresh the Window glutPostRedisplay Window has changed size or has just been created. In either..

Segmentation fault at glGenVertexArrays( 1, &vao );


void Theta Axis 0.01 if Theta Axis 360.0 Theta Axis 360.0 glutPostRedisplay void keyboard unsigned char key int mousex int mousey switch.. case '2' glBindTexture GL_TEXTURE_2D textures 1 break glutPostRedisplay int main int argc char argv glutInit argc argv glutInitDisplayMode..

OpenGL window isn't opening


GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT glutSwapBuffers glutPostRedisplay When I compile and try to run my .exe with Visual Studio 2010..

Problems converting YV12 to RGB through GLSL


int x int y void x void y switch key case 27 exit 0 break glutPostRedisplay static void SpecialKey int key int x int y float step 3.0 void.. Yrot step break case GLUT_KEY_RIGHT Yrot step break glutPostRedisplay bool CheckShader int n_shader_object int n_tmp glGetShaderiv..