

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:13:40

iphone Programming Glossary: sdk's

iTunes App Submission Invalid binary issues


calling it. Normally from an ad network such as Mobclix AdMob or Smaato. All the popular ad networks have updated SDK's which remove uniqueIdentifier . Check their websites for the latest SDK. Update Just seen in the comments you're using PhoneGap..

Inject system wide touch events on iOS7


to communicate with one another still not quite a method for generating system wide event. I'd suggest you use iOS SDK's notification API that would probably be the cleanest method to achieve what you want. Yes it goes out to Apple and back..

Should I connect directly to CouchDB's socket and pass HTTP requests or use node.js as a proxy?


to CouchDB's port directly by using Titanium's Titanium.Network.TCPSocket object . I believe it utilizes the Apple SDK's CFSocket NSStream class. Once connected I simply write 'GET mydb _changes filter app myfilter feed continuous gameid 4 heartbeat..

Why is this OpenGL ES code slow on iPhone?


is this OpenGL ES code slow on iPhone I've slightly modified the iPhone SDK's GLSprite example while learning OpenGL ES and it turns out to be quite slow. Even in the simulator on the hw worst so I..

Setting Bar Button Item color in a custom navigation bar


the navigationBar. What you can do is set a customView for the navigationItem This is how you set it with one of the SDK's buttons UIBarButtonItem shareButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithBarButtonSystemItem UIBarButtonSystemItemAction target..

Change User Agent in UIWebView (iPhone SDK)


user is using one version of the app versus another. Is it possible to customize the UserAgent in the existing iPhone SDK's UIWebView control the way it is say for an embedded IE browser in a Windows app iphone cocoa touch share improve this..

xcodebuild: simulator or device?


. Those values use the latest version of the SDK that the installed XCode supports you can get a list of supported SDK's with xcodebuild showsdks Which returns a list like Mac OS X SDKs Current Mac OS sdk Mac OS X 10.6 sdk macosx10.6 iOS SDKs..

Whats the most used cross-platform Mobile Application Development Framework today?


I've ever seen but it also provides an extremely wide range of functionality in comparison with other third party SDK's. Development time is drastically reduced using Corona because most things only take a few lines of code to implement. There..