

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: obj2

Sorting 2 NSArrays together side by side


i p addObject NSNumber numberWithInteger i p sortWithOptions 0 usingComparator ^NSComparisonResult id obj1 id obj2 Modify this to use first objectAtIndex obj1 intValue .name property NSString lhs first objectAtIndex obj1 intValue Same.. lhs first objectAtIndex obj1 intValue Same goes for the next line use the name NSString rhs first objectAtIndex obj2 intValue return lhs compare rhs NSMutableArray sortedFirst NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity first.count NSMutableArray sortedSecond..

Why can't NSDate be compared using < or >?


addresses rather than the values in it. So you will get unexpected results. Logically this is how it works if obj1 obj2 return NSOrderedDescending if obj1 obj2 return NSOrderedAscending if obj1 obj2 return NSOrderedSame You can use any of the.. it. So you will get unexpected results. Logically this is how it works if obj1 obj2 return NSOrderedDescending if obj1 obj2 return NSOrderedAscending if obj1 obj2 return NSOrderedSame You can use any of the compare statements to compare dates...

How to sort NSMutableArray of date objects


Suggest the best way of initialization of array ( or other objects )


obj1 nil self setClassArray myArray myArray release Way 2 void myMethod NSArray myArray NSArray arrayWithObjects obj1 obj2 nil self setClassArray myArray In way 1 I have used a alloc init method which is a instance method and as I have used an..

NSMutableArray memory management


array TempObj obj TempObj alloc init assume this line is repeated for each obj a1 addObject obj a1 addObject obj2 a1 addObject obj3 a1 addObject obj4 obj release obj2 release obj3 release obj4 release a1 release Ok so a2 is an autorelease.. this line is repeated for each obj a1 addObject obj a1 addObject obj2 a1 addObject obj3 a1 addObject obj4 obj release obj2 release obj3 release obj4 release a1 release Ok so a2 is an autorelease obj so i dont have to call release on it Also how..

Sorting NSString values as if NSInteger using NSSortDescriptor


NSSortDescriptor aSortDescriptor NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey @ sort ascending YES comparator ^ id obj1 id obj2 if obj1 integerValue obj2 integerValue return NSComparisonResult NSOrderedDescending if obj1 integerValue obj2 integerValue.. NSSortDescriptor sortDescriptorWithKey @ sort ascending YES comparator ^ id obj1 id obj2 if obj1 integerValue obj2 integerValue return NSComparisonResult NSOrderedDescending if obj1 integerValue obj2 integerValue return NSComparisonResult.. obj1 id obj2 if obj1 integerValue obj2 integerValue return NSComparisonResult NSOrderedDescending if obj1 integerValue obj2 integerValue return NSComparisonResult NSOrderedAscending return NSComparisonResult NSOrderedSame self.myList NSMutableArray..