

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objc_getclass

iOS 5.1 toggle Bluetooth by BluetoothManager


application launch. #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR exit EXIT_SUCCESS #else this works in iOS 4.2.3 Class BluetoothManager objc_getClass BluetoothManager id btCont BluetoothManager sharedInstance btCont setPowered YES #endif return YES I had tried also all..

iPhone: Get camera preview


this question This one is also working quite good. Use it when the camera preview is open UIImage viewImage id objc_getClass PLCameraController performSelector @selector sharedInstance performSelector @selector _createPreviewImage But as far as..

Create a class at runtime - Why do NSClassFromString AND objc_getclass return nil?


share improve this question The Objective C Runtime Reference can help you here. For example the documentation for objc_getClass says The Class object for the named class or nil if the class is not registered with the Objective C runtime. Looking around.. is not registered with the Objective C runtime. Looking around for discussion of registration you find this tidbit in objc_getClassList The Objective C runtime library automatically registers all the classes defined in your source code. You can create..

iPhone Wi-Fi Manager SDK


How does Apple know you are using private API?


If you really really really really want to workaround these checks you could use runtime features such as dlopen dlsym objc_getClass sel_registerName objc_msgSend valueForKey object_getInstanceVariable object_getIvar etc. to get those private libraries..

Is there a way to toggle bluetooth and/or wifi on and off programatically in iOS?


application launch. #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR exit EXIT_SUCCESS #else this works in iOS 4.2.3 Class BluetoothManager objc_getClass BluetoothManager id btCont BluetoothManager sharedInstance self performSelector @selector toggle withObject btCont afterDelay..

Objective-C 2.0: class_copyPropertyList(), how to list properties from categories


all properties of an Objective C class like described in the Objective C 2.0 Runtime Programming Guide id LenderClass objc_getClass UIView unsigned int outCount i objc_property_t properties class_copyPropertyList LenderClass outCount for i 0 i outCount..

iOS PreferenceBundle


a SpringBoard method but the results is always nothing. Is there a way i can call a SBApplication method i am using objc_getClass to get the class SBApplication app objc_getClass SBApplicationController sharedInstance applicationWithDisplayIdentifier.. nothing. Is there a way i can call a SBApplication method i am using objc_getClass to get the class SBApplication app objc_getClass SBApplicationController sharedInstance applicationWithDisplayIdentifier identifier when i use that to call the method the..

Kill Command for a jailbroken iPhone


be able to kill other apps while my app is in the background. I found this kill command Class SBApplicationController objc_getClass SBApplicationController SBApplication app SBApplicationController sharedInstance applicationWithDisplayIdentifier displayIdentfier..