

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objectenumerator

Access App Identifier Prefix programmatically


Common multithreading mistakes beginners make on iPhone


UIGraphicsEndImageContext NSEnumerator enumerator photoContainerView subviews objectEnumerator id object while object enumerator nextObject object removeFromSuperview photoContainerView release photoContainerView nil..

Calculate the size of a folder


NSFileManager defaultManager subpathsOfDirectoryAtPath folderPath error nil NSEnumerator filesEnumerator filesArray objectEnumerator NSString fileName unsigned long long int fileSize 0 while fileName filesEnumerator nextObject NSDictionary fileDictionary..

size of NSCachesDirectory in iphone


long int _cacheFolderSize 0 _cacheFileList _manager subpathsAtPath _cacheDirectory _cacheEnumerator _cacheFileList objectEnumerator while _cacheFilePath _cacheEnumerator nextObject NSDictionary _cacheFileAttributes _manager fileAttributesAtPath _cacheDirectory..

Calculate number of differences between two NSStrings


mStringA componentsSeparatedByString @ NSArray arrayB mStringB componentsSeparatedByString @ NSEnumerator emuA arrayA objectEnumerator NSEnumerator emuB NSString tokenA NULL NSString tokenB NULL O n m but is there another way while tokenA emuA nextObject.. emuB NSString tokenA NULL NSString tokenB NULL O n m but is there another way while tokenA emuA nextObject emuB arrayB objectEnumerator smallestDistance 99999999.0 while tokenB emuB nextObject if distance tokenA compareWithWord tokenB smallestDistance smallestDistance..

A simple sync with the iPhone DropBox API


loadedMetadata DBMetadata metadata NSLog @ restClient loadedMetadata function called NSEnumerator e metadata.contents objectEnumerator indexes files in dropbox DBMetadata dbObject loads metadate we need e.g. lastModifiedDated int numberOfFiles metadata.contents.. example void restClient DBRestClient client loadedMetadata DBMetadata metadata NSEnumerator e metadata.contents objectEnumerator DBMetadata dbObject numberOfFiles metadata.contents count while dbObject e nextObject if dbObject.isDirectory NSString fileName..