

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:16

iphone Programming Glossary: observations

Cropping an image in iOS using OpenCV face detection


UIGraphicsEndImageContext return subImage The Image is cropped but Not with actual Co ordinates. My observations 1 Am cropping the image with FaceRect which is returned by Affinetransform. Will this be a reason for wrong Co ordinates..

Typical UDP latency on iPhone over 3G - are my numbers right?


Is there a way to programmatically scroll to a PDF page within a UIWebView?


webView stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString NSString stringWithFormat @ scrollTo 0 d self.offset 2 Some observations The offset calculation isn't page perfect. If the PDF document isn't 8.5 x 11 e.g. A4 then the offset error gets worse more..

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


in Landscape mode. Please provide feedback and help improve the quality of this Post by incorporating any related observations. Feel free to edit and post other better answers if you know of any. iphone uiviewcontroller orientation landscape share..

Warning for iOS/iPhone users about duplicate NSNotification observations


for iOS iPhone users about duplicate NSNotification observations This isn't a question so much as a warning to others to save them some time. NSNotificationCenter on iOS 3 iPhone OS 3..

Which conditional compile to use to switch between Mac and iPhone specific code?


for any help iphone xcode osx conditional compilation share improve this question You've made a mistake in your observations. TARGET_OS_MAC will be 1 when building a Mac or iPhone application. You're right it's quite useless for this sort of thing...

differences between uiwebview and mobile safari


uiwebview and mobile safari Have looked far and wide for info and have found no definitive list. Please add your observations. I'm sure it will come in handy to all. iphone mobile safari uiwebview share improve this question It doesn't have..

Skybox OpenGL ES iPhone and iPad


on viewDidUnload for example to ensure that this view controller plays nicely with potential memory warnings. The main observations are that beyond knowing the Objective C signalling mechanisms most of this is C stuff. You're primarily using C arrays and..

What do I have to learn to get done with a 3D racing game for the iPhone? What Tools do I need?


this question Learning the basic ins and outs of OpenGL ES on the iPhone took me about 3 weeks. I post some of my observations on the subject here . The source code to my Molecules iPhone application which uses OpenGL ES is available here . Maybe..