

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:16

iphone Programming Glossary: observation

String length with given font to fit UITextView 2 - The Return


seems to use a fixed 8 pixel inset on both sides. This is independent of alignment or font size based on testing observation not any explicit knowledge of the internals . So it seems you are right to use your fudge factor but it should probably..

CallStateDisconnected only detected for incoming calls, not for calls made from my app


7734 907 applicationDidBecomeActive The disconnected message has just disappeared. This isn't an answer it's an observation. Here's the code I used. I I created a single view application in xcode with a single button in the xib and this is the..

What's the nicest way to do observer/observable in objective-c (iphone version)


it needs to display iphone objective c cocoa share improve this question There are two built in ways of doing observation in Cocoa Key Value Observing and notifications. In neither system do you need to maintain or notify a collection of observers..

Send and receive messages through NSNotificationCenter in Objective-C? [closed]


NSNotification notification notification name should always be @ TestNotification unless you use this method for observation of other notifications as well. if notification name isEqualToString @ TestNotification NSLog @ Successfully received the..

How do I display and calculate numbers from a database on iPhone?


in the data model related to various values it uses. You complete the implementation of this pattern with the observation part. Here you can either have your view controllers use Key Value Observing might be simplest to watch data members in..

Is MonoTouch now banned on the iPhone? [closed]


APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited . And makes the following observation My reading of this new language is that cross compilers such as the Flash to iPhone compiler in Adobe ™s upcoming Flash Professional..

UIModalTransitionStylePartialCurl not rotating


iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


have been presented some of them including completely custom animation via CoreGraphics while others build on the observation that the first view controller loaded from the main nib is always displayed correct. I have spent a significant amount of.. in Landscape mode. Please provide feedback and help improve the quality of this Post by incorporating any related observations. Feel free to edit and post other better answers if you know of any. iphone uiviewcontroller orientation landscape share..

Warning for iOS/iPhone users about duplicate NSNotification observations


for iOS iPhone users about duplicate NSNotification observations This isn't a question so much as a warning to others to save them some time. NSNotificationCenter on iOS 3 iPhone OS 3.. will NOT recognize the redundancy and instead will fire off as many notifications to you as you've registered an observation for. This is almost never the behavior you want to see and is almost always accidental. Example I want my view controller.. will NOT recognize the redundancy and instead will fire off as many notifications to you as you've registered an observation for. This is almost never the behavior you want to see and is almost always accidental. Example I want my view controller..

Install xCode 3.2.3 w/ iPhone SDK 4, get “Base SDK missing”, can't see other SDKs


working xCode iPhone project you get Base SDK Missing somewhere. Something like this In a related but more general observation none of the previously available panoply of Device or Simulator SDK choices e.g. 3.0 3.1 3.1.3 ... is available where you..

iPhone : Best way to detect the end of UIImageView image sequence animation


on UIImageView should go to NO when it's done animating. It's not a formal property though so you can't set up observation on it. You can poll it on a fine grained timer like CADisplayLink 's . There's no animation completed delegate for this..

iOS Multi-Tasking Track GPS Location


about all of the various ways an iOS device can get your location cell tower triangulation Skyhook style wifi network observation and GPS not exclusive GPS. In short from reading those docs add the UIBackgroundModes key into your info.plist which is..

Does Facebook class of iPhone Facebook SDK have cancel method?


iphone sdk 3.0 share improve this question For anyone who comes across this question it appears that Matt's observation does not apply to the newest facebook iphone sdk. The parameters are no longer explicitly retained in the relevant method..

Customize the Airplay button's appearance


init would not stick if the Airplay receiver went away or the state was changed somehow. To solve this I setup a KVO observation on the button's alpha key. I noticed that the button is always faded in out which is an animation on alpha . MPVolumeView.. if you destroy the button void dealloc self.airplayButton removeObserver self forKeyPath @ alpha Based on code observation the button will break if Apple changes the internal view hierarchy of the MPVolumeView to add remove alter the views such..

Warning in Custom Map Annotations iPhone


to some other object. Set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current observation info I am not using KVO in my code hence not able to understand why I am receiving these warnings iphone map mapkit mkannotation..

What is the best way to deal with the NSDateFormatter locale “feature”?


hours it'll go to whoever makes the most effort to help even if the answer isn't really useful in my case. A curious observation Modified the category implementation slightly #import NSDateFormatter Locale.h @implementation NSDateFormatter Locale id..

Setting breakpoint at NSKVODeallocateBreak


to some other object. Set a breakpoint on NSKVODeallocateBreak to stop here in the debugger. Here's the current observation info I'm not sure where that NSKVODeallocateBreak to set a breakpoint at is. I thought I could use Instruments to debug..