

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objectarray

JSON and Core Data on the iPhone


json error error NSAssert2 error nil @ Failed to deserialize n @ n @ error localizedDescription json NSMutableArray objectArray NSMutableArray alloc init for NSDictionary structureDictionary in structureArray objectArray addObject self managedObjectFromStructure.. json NSMutableArray objectArray NSMutableArray alloc init for NSDictionary structureDictionary in structureArray objectArray addObject self managedObjectFromStructure structureDictionary withManagedObjectContext moc return objectArray autorelease.. objectArray addObject self managedObjectFromStructure structureDictionary withManagedObjectContext moc return objectArray autorelease Now this is recursive so you can easily end up translating your entire persistent store if you are not careful...

Memory Management in Objective-C


on dealloc function. because maybe i will need it on other function Player.h @interface Player NSObject NSMutableArray objectArray void awake void add @end Player.m @implementation Player NSObject id init self super init if self nil self awake self.. @implementation Player NSObject id init self super init if self nil self awake self add return self void awake objectArray NSMutableArray alloc init is it cause leakage objectArray addObject @ foobar void add objectArray addObject @ foobar2 .. if self nil self awake self add return self void awake objectArray NSMutableArray alloc init is it cause leakage objectArray addObject @ foobar void add objectArray addObject @ foobar2 void dealloc objectArray release super dealloc @end or should..

Storing data to NSUserDefaults


nil NSArray oldSavedArray NSKeyedUnarchiver unarchiveObjectWithData dataRepresentingSavedArray if oldSavedArray nil objectArray NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray oldSavedArray else objectArray NSMutableArray alloc init To archive the data use NSUserDefaults.. dataRepresentingSavedArray if oldSavedArray nil objectArray NSMutableArray alloc initWithArray oldSavedArray else objectArray NSMutableArray alloc init To archive the data use NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults setObject NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject.. init To archive the data use NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults setObject NSKeyedArchiver archivedDataWithRootObject objectArray forKey @ savedArray This will all work so long as your custom object complies with the NSCoding protocol void encodeWithCoder..