

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objc_property_t

In Objective-C Determine if a Property is an int, float, double, NSString, NSDate, NSNumber, etc


comparisons in Objective C id object Record alloc init autorelease NSString element @ date NSString data @ 2010 10 16 objc_property_t property class_getProperty object class element UTF8String const char attributes property_getAttributes property char buffer..

Objective-C 2.0: class_copyPropertyList(), how to list properties from categories


described in the Objective C 2.0 Runtime Programming Guide id LenderClass objc_getClass UIView unsigned int outCount i objc_property_t properties class_copyPropertyList LenderClass outCount for i 0 i outCount i objc_property_t property properties i fprintf.. unsigned int outCount i objc_property_t properties class_copyPropertyList LenderClass outCount for i 0 i outCount i objc_property_t property properties i fprintf stdout s s n property_getName property property_getAttributes property But this lists only.. @end int main int argc const char argv NSAutoreleasePool pool NSAutoreleasePool alloc init unsigned int outCount i objc_property_t properties class_copyPropertyList TestClass class outCount for i 0 i outCount i objc_property_t property properties i fprintf..

Loop through all object properties at runtime


lastName @synthesize age @end int main int argc char argv @autoreleasepool unsigned int numberOfProperties 0 objc_property_t propertyArray class_copyPropertyList TestClass class numberOfProperties for NSUInteger i 0 i numberOfProperties i objc_property_t.. propertyArray class_copyPropertyList TestClass class numberOfProperties for NSUInteger i 0 i numberOfProperties i objc_property_t property propertyArray i NSString name NSString alloc initWithUTF8String property_getName property NSString attributesString..