

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:16

iphone Programming Glossary: observed

Capture 60fps in iPhone app


no matter what configurations I tried encoding the frames via an AVAssetWriter caused the capture rate to drop to the observed ~37fps and no amount of fiddling with alwaysDiscardsLateVideoFrames could change it. However in this approach every single..

UITableView with images scrolls very slowly [duplicate]


with Images slow load and scroll I have a UITableView which downloads images for the UITableViewCells from a server. I observed that the tableView scrolls very slowly. I thought that this might downloading problem but I have realized that the table..

wrong position of tile map when i convert to retina display


retinal .tmx file Is there something wrong iphone ios cocos2d iphone cocos2d share improve this question Me also observed same problem with cocos2D tile map and finally resolved by dividing CC_CONTENT_SCALE_FACTOR. In retina mode it gives 2.0...

UINavigationController not popping UINavigationBar items


isn't popping it's items when the UINavigationController pops a view controller. I have had a look at the stacks observed the following The expected number of navigation controllers allocated checked in instruments There are the correct number..

View got hidden below UINavigationBar iOS 7


iOS 6.1 for my project. Recently I have switched to iOS 7. For a lot of changes I knew I updated my code.. But I have observed a strange behavior. My view on every screen gets hidden below navigation bar. Repositioning view solves the problem but..

iPhone Landscape FAQ and Solutions


is especially difficult to implement such an application when starting in landscape mode is desired. The most common observed effect are scrambled layouts and areas of the screen where touches are no longer recognized. A simple search for questions..

What is the optimal way to monitor changes in a directory with a kqueue()?


is modified. The notification comes as soon as the directory is modified and before copying a file is complete. I have observed this in testing. Unfortunately there is no form of notification when the copy is done. At least none that I have found...

Pre-buffering for AVQueuePlayer


item is about to finish playing I know there's nothing in the docs to suggest this I'm asking mostly if anyone has observed this kind of behavior or not. iphone objective c avfoundation avplayer share improve this question Ok I've looked over..

xcode info.plist build variable ${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier} seems completely undocumented?


slashes and more with underscores rfc1034identifier replaces whitespace slashes and more with dashes dir don't know observed replace with . in some cases abs don't know Exact command strings Developer Library PrivateFrameworks DevToolsCore.framework..

Prevent indentation of UITableViewCell (contentView) while editing


observeValueForKeyPath NSString keyPath ofObject id object change NSDictionary change context void context NSLog @ observed value for kp @ changed @ keyPath change if keyPath isEqual @ frame object self.contentView CGRect newFrame self.contentView.frame..

Does Key Value Observing Work on UITextView's Text Property?


have UITextFields some have UISegmentSelectors and one has a UITextView. ALL the rest of the fields are successfully observed by my core data object subclass of NSMangedObject EXCEPT for the UITextView. I can post code if needed. Posted Code UITableViewCell..

Need some help understanding transient properties in Core Data


share improve this question The advantage of transient properties comes from the difference between modeled observed properties and unmodeled unobserved properties. The managed object context uses key value observing KVO to monitor modeled.. The advantage of transient properties comes from the difference between modeled observed properties and unmodeled unobserved properties. The managed object context uses key value observing KVO to monitor modeled properties. Based on the information..

IOS Default.png show every time when my app enter foreground from background


is shown once when the app launch. iphone objective c ios apple default.png share improve this question I observed that whenever application is resumed from background iOS 5.0 simulator showed the default image or launch image whereas..

How to count steps using an Accelerometer?


to count steps using an Accelerometer I have to develop the same functionality as of this Pedometer App I have observed this Pedometer app in very high detail. It's not a perfect pedometer app. For example if you stay sit at one place and shake..