

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objc_association_retain

objc_setAssociatedObject unavailable in iPhone simulator


largely untested may be buggy #if TARGET_IPHONE_SIMULATOR #import objc runtime.h enum OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN 0 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC 1 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC 3 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN 01401 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY 01403 typedef uintptr_t.. objc runtime.h enum OBJC_ASSOCIATION_ASSIGN 0 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC 1 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY_NONATOMIC 3 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN 01401 OBJC_ASSOCIATION_COPY 01403 typedef uintptr_t objc_AssociationPolicy @implementation NSObject OTAssociatedObjectsSimulator.. @end void objc_setAssociatedObject id object void key id value objc_AssociationPolicy policy NSCAssert policy OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC @ Only OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC supported object otAssociatedObjectsDictionary setObject value forKey..

Can a UIAlertView pass a string and an int through a delegate


globally in your .m file and use fooKey as the key. objc_setAssociatedObject alertView secretStringKey mySecretString OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN objc_setAssociatedObject alertView intKey NSNumber numberWithInt myInt OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN Then use objc_getAssociatedObject.. mySecretString OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN objc_setAssociatedObject alertView intKey NSNumber numberWithInt myInt OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN Then use objc_getAssociatedObject to retrieve the objects later. NSString mySecretString objc_getAssociatedObject alertView.. objc_getAssociatedObject alertView secretStringKey int myInt objc_getAssociatedObject alertView intKey intValue Using OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN the values will be retained while attached to the alertView and then automatically released when alertView is deallocated...

What is objc_setAssociatedObject() and in what cases should it be used?


device device item self.rootVC.selectedItem objc_setAssociatedObject device kDeviceControllerKey next OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN What is the point in associating the device with the view controller if it's already an instance variable iphone objective.. overview NSString alloc initWithFormat @ @ @ First three numbers objc_setAssociatedObject array overviewKey overview OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN overview release 1 overview valid array release 2 overview invalid At point 1 the string overview is still valid because.. release 1 overview valid array release 2 overview invalid At point 1 the string overview is still valid because the OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN policy specifies that the array retains the associated object. When the array is deallocated however at point 2 overview..

When does an associated object get released?


by EXEC_BAD_ACCESS crashes in object B's dealloc. Does anyone know why object B is deallocated after object A with OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN Do associated objects get released after deallocation Do they get autoreleased Does anyone know of a way to alter this behavior.. self.image else Remove the spinner self zsShowSpinner NO objc_setAssociatedObject self imageWatcherKey imageWatcher OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN objc_setAssociatedObject self frameWatcherKey frameWatcher OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN @end ZSPropertyWatcher.h @interface ZSPropertyWatcher.. self imageWatcherKey imageWatcher OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN objc_setAssociatedObject self frameWatcherKey frameWatcher OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN @end ZSPropertyWatcher.h @interface ZSPropertyWatcher NSObject id delegate SEL delegateCallback NSObject observedObject..