

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objectatindexpath

How can I make deleteRowsAtIndexPaths: work with GenericTableViewController?


object. NSManagedObjectContext context wineryController managedObjectContext context deleteObject wineryController objectAtIndexPath indexPath NSError error if context save error Handle the error. tableView deleteRowsAtIndexPaths NSArray arrayWithObject..

Passing a ManagedObjectContext to a second view


here for example create and push another view controller. NSManagedObject selectedObject self fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath SecondViewController secondViewController SecondViewController alloc initWithNibName @ SecondView bundle nil secondViewController.tName..

Table View Scrolling Async


Any tips or ideas on how to speed this process up Edit Revised Code Beer beer Beer self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath cell.displayBeerName.text beer.name did we already cache a copy of the image if beer.image nil good. use it. this..

iOS Using NSDictionary to load data into section and rows


NSArray sections self.dataSource allKeys sortedArrayUsingSelector @selector caseInsensitiveCompare return sections objectAtIndexPath indexPath.section Then to get a row in a section NSString sectionTitle get the section title calling the above code NSArray..

Iphone Core Data crashing on Save


tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath MailMessage aMessage MailMessage fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath messageView loadMessage aMessage viewOnly NO usingTemplate NO messageView.managedObjectContext self.managedObjectContext..

Passing data between two controllers using storyboards


tableView didSelectRowAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath Subject subject Subject self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath self showList subject animated YES self.tableView deselectRowAtIndexPath indexPath animated YES void showList..

Using NSPredicate with Core Data NSFetchedResultsController


the object in the fetchedResultsController. There should only be 1 object returned. Other than iterate through every objectAtIndexPath is there a better way to search the fetchController using NSPredicate iphone core data nspredicate share improve this..

Core data images from desktop to iphone


isActive entity self filteredListContent objectAtIndex indexPath row else entity fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath cell.textLabel.text entity valueForKey @ name cell.imageview.image UIImage imageNamed @ ImageB.jpeg works fine..

UITableView section header and section footer not updating (redraw problem)


nil NSSet itemsWithSizes nil filter not used cells for row 0 row numberOfAllItems row tmpItem fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow row inSection section NSPredicate predicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ itemSize nil NSSet..

Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) with CoreData


com.app.request NULL dispatch_async request_queue ^ MyNSManagedObject mObject self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 heavy lifting update mObject self saveManagedObjectContext As a result of.. self blockSelf self dispatch_async request_queue ^ MyNSManagedObject mObject blockSelf.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPathForRow 0 inSection 0 update and heavy lifting... dispatch_sync main_queue ^ blockSelf saveManagedObjectContext..

why does this code use presentModalViewController? (not pushViewController)


DetailViewController alloc initWithStyle UITableViewStyleGrouped Book selectedBook Book self fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath Pass the selected book to the new view controller. detailViewController.book selectedBook self.navigationController..

Using 'Like' with the Facebook Graph API on iOS


I'm trying to 'Like' status updates doing the following NSManagedObject managedObject self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath NSString messageID NSString managedObject valueForKey @ message_id NSLog @ Like @ NSString stringWithFormat @..

How to list only online users on facebook with xmpp framework


cell setSelectionStyle UITableViewCellSelectionStyleGray user self fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath cell.textLabel.text user.displayName cell.textLabel.textColor UIColor whiteColor cell1 cell Step 5 Finally you..

Getting an NSInvalidArguementException error


reuseIdentifier CellIdentifier autorelease Exercise tempExercise Exercise fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath cell.textLabel.text tempExercise.name return cell void tableView UITableView tableView commitEditingStyle UITableViewCellEditingStyle.. context self.fetchedResultsController managedObjectContext context deleteObject self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath NSLog @ fetched results n @ n self.fetchedResultsController fetchedObjects Commit the change. NSError error nil.. UITableViewCell cell atIndexPath NSIndexPath indexPath NSManagedObject managedObject self.fetchedResultsController objectAtIndexPath indexPath cell.textLabel.text managedObject valueForKey @ name description #pragma mark Table view delegate void tableView..