

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objectforinfodictionarykey

selecting alternative first view controller from story board at application startup


What's the Correctest Way to Get the Active Storyboard NSBundle bundle NSBundle mainBundle NSString sbFile bundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey @ UIMainStoryboardFile UIStoryboard sb UIStoryboard storyboardWithName sbFile bundle bundle The above will create a new..

Reading Bundle version from PList


how to check bundle version for our application by programming? [duplicate]


How to programmatically display version number of target in iOS app


nearly the same builds. To get the build number as a NSString variable NSString appBuildString NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey @ CFBundleVersion To get the version number as a NSString variable NSString appVersionString NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey.. @ CFBundleVersion To get the version number as a NSString variable NSString appVersionString NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey @ CFBundleShortVersionString If you want both in one NSString NSString versionBuildString NSString stringWithFormat @ Version..

For push notifications: how do I add action to alert view to change views?


Button title dynamic... apnsAlert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle NSString stringWithFormat @ @ @ NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey @ CFBundleDisplayName NSLocalizedString @ NOTIFICATION nil message localizedAlertMessage delegate self cancelButtonTitle.. nil nil else apnsAlert UIAlertView alloc initWithTitle NSString stringWithFormat @ @ @ NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey @ CFBundleDisplayName NSLocalizedString @ NOTIFICATION nil message localizedAlertMessage delegate self cancelButtonTitle..

Detecting the first ever run of an app


NSUserDefaults. But be careful with the Version Number. Do the following NSString bundleVersion NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey NSString kCFBundleVersionKey NSString appFirstStartOfVersionKey NSString stringWithFormat @ first_start_ @ bundleVersion..

iOS: Access app-info.plist variables in code


Attributes from the info.plist for your project are directly accessible by the following... NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey key_name For example to get the version number you might do the following NSString appVersion NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey.. key_name For example to get the version number you might do the following NSString appVersion NSBundle mainBundle objectForInfoDictionaryKey @ CFBundleVersion There is a gotcha in that the version number now has two attributes in the info.plist but you get the..