

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objc_setassociatedobject

Objective-C Category and new iVar


soundsInChain return objc_getAssociatedObject self soundsInChainKey void setSoundsInChain NSMutableArray array objc_setAssociatedObject self soundsInChainKey array OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC @end The standard disclaimer applies. I typed this in the..

Pass an argument to selector


objc_setAssociatedObject unavailable in iPhone simulator


unavailable in iPhone simulator In the 3.1 SDk Apple added support for associated objects. However the simulator will not.. Apple added support for associated objects. However the simulator will not compile code that includes references to objc_setAssociatedObject objc_getAssociatedObject et al. Undeclared errors Is there away around this Can I make the iPhone simulator compile this.. CFDictionaryRemoveValue theDictionaries self self otAssociatedObjectSimulatorDealloc @end void objc_setAssociatedObject id object void key id value objc_AssociationPolicy policy NSCAssert policy OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC @ Only OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC..

Mutable NSHTTPURLResponse or NSURLResponse


Category-like extension for instance variables


references to add data to instances without having to declare instance variables. See the documentation for objc_setAssociatedObject etc. If you wrap the calls to the runtime in standard accessor methods it will be very easy to use. share improve this..

Can a UIAlertView pass a string and an int through a delegate


improve this question Probably the quickest way to associate an object with an arbitrary other object is to use objc_setAssociatedObject . To use it correctly you need an arbitrary void to use as a key the usual way to do that is to declare a static char fooKey.. a key the usual way to do that is to declare a static char fooKey globally in your .m file and use fooKey as the key. objc_setAssociatedObject alertView secretStringKey mySecretString OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN objc_setAssociatedObject alertView intKey NSNumber numberWithInt.. and use fooKey as the key. objc_setAssociatedObject alertView secretStringKey mySecretString OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN objc_setAssociatedObject alertView intKey NSNumber numberWithInt myInt OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN Then use objc_getAssociatedObject to retrieve the..

Subclass UIButton to add a property


@implementation UIButton Property static char UIB_PROPERTY_KEY @dynamic property void setProperty NSObject property objc_setAssociatedObject self UIB_PROPERTY_KEY property OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC NSObject property return NSObject objc_getAssociatedObject..

What is objc_setAssociatedObject() and in what cases should it be used?


is objc_setAssociatedObject and in what cases should it be used In a project I have taken on the original author has opted to use objc_setAssociatedObject.. and in what cases should it be used In a project I have taken on the original author has opted to use objc_setAssociatedObject and I'm not 100 clear what it does or why they decided to use it. I decided to look it up and unfortunately the docs aren't.. they decided to use it. I decided to look it up and unfortunately the docs aren't very descriptive about its purpose. objc_setAssociatedObject Sets an associated value for a given object using a given key and association policy. void objc_setAssociatedObject id object..

EXC_BAD_ACCESS on objc_setAssociatedObject with -weak_library /usr/lib/libSystem.B.dylib linker flags


on objc_setAssociatedObject with weak_library usr lib libSystem.B.dylib linker flags I have a EXC_BAD_ACCESS when I call objc_setAssociatedObject with.. objc_setAssociatedObject with weak_library usr lib libSystem.B.dylib linker flags I have a EXC_BAD_ACCESS when I call objc_setAssociatedObject with the linker flags weak_library usr lib libSystem.B.dylib linker flags. I absolutely need the linker flag because of..

When does an associated object get released?


@selector zsFrameChanged autorelease self zsShowSpinner self.image else Remove the spinner self zsShowSpinner NO objc_setAssociatedObject self imageWatcherKey imageWatcher OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN objc_setAssociatedObject self frameWatcherKey frameWatcher OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN.. the spinner self zsShowSpinner NO objc_setAssociatedObject self imageWatcherKey imageWatcher OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN objc_setAssociatedObject self frameWatcherKey frameWatcher OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN @end ZSPropertyWatcher.h @interface ZSPropertyWatcher NSObject..