

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objectid

Creating a unique id for a Core Data program on the iPhone


core data. ID are indeed managed by Core Data but you can retrieve them with NSManagedObjectID moID managedObject objectID For more informations see http developer.apple.com mac library DOCUMENTATION Cocoa Conceptual CoreData Articles cdUsingMOs.html..

Core Data: UIManagedDocument or AppDelegate to setup core data stack?


threads. To œpass a managed object from one context another across thread boundaries you either Pass its object ID objectID and use objectWithID or existingObjectWithID error on the receiving managed object context. The corresponding managed objects..

Cryptic error from Core Data: NSInvalidArgumentException, reason: referenceData64 only defined for abstract class


If you have to copy over objects from the main thread's NSManagedObjectContext copy over by ID. I.e. NSManagedObjectID objectID foo objectID FooClass newFoo FooClass threadManagedObjectContext objectWithID objectID retain When finished parsing you.. copy over objects from the main thread's NSManagedObjectContext copy over by ID. I.e. NSManagedObjectID objectID foo objectID FooClass newFoo FooClass threadManagedObjectContext objectWithID objectID retain When finished parsing you need to save.. by ID. I.e. NSManagedObjectID objectID foo objectID FooClass newFoo FooClass threadManagedObjectContext objectWithID objectID retain When finished parsing you need to save the changes made to the thread's NSManagedObjectContext. You must lock the..

Core Data multi thread application


per thread. Never pass an NSManagedObject on a thread to the other thread. Instead get the object IDs via objectID and pass it to the other thread. More rules Make sure you save the object into the store before getting the object ID. Until..

Core Data pattern: how to efficiently update local info with changes from network?


that will filter the managed objects using this array. fetchRequest setPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ objectID IN @ objectIDs Of course objectIDs could be anything that you can use to identify. It doesn't have to be the NSManagedObjectID... filter the managed objects using this array. fetchRequest setPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ objectID IN @ objectIDs Of course objectIDs could be anything that you can use to identify. It doesn't have to be the NSManagedObjectID. Then you.. using this array. fetchRequest setPredicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ objectID IN @ objectIDs Of course objectIDs could be anything that you can use to identify. It doesn't have to be the NSManagedObjectID. Then you could do one fetch..

Can Core Data handle my “system vs. user data” migration needs?


you can use a fetched property to retrieve the associated recipe and associates notes. ObjectID First do not use the objectID for linking between stores. It can and does change during migration and other times which will make your migration MUCH..

Core data, how to get NSManagedObject's ObjectId when NSFetchRequest returns NSDictionaryResultType?


. For example NSExpressionDescription objectIdDesc NSExpressionDescription new autorelease objectIdDesc.name @ objectID objectIdDesc.expression NSExpression expressionForEvaluatedObject objectIdDesc.expressionResultType NSObjectIDAttributeType..

Failed to save to data store: The operation couldn?™t be completed. (Cocoa error 133020.)


2011 01 07 12 49 10.724 App 1987 207 conflictList NSMergeConflict 0x5ac1ea0 for NSManagedObject 0x5a2d710 with objectID '0x5a27080 x coredata E82E75ED 96DB 4CBF 9D15 9CC106AC0052 uzytkownicy p10 ' with oldVersion 9 and newVersion 21 and old.. n uzytkownicy_uczniowie null n zmienna_losowa 8G9e1 n NSMergeConflict 0xd266990 for NSManagedObject 0xcd05950 with objectID '0x5a453b0 x coredata E82E75ED 96DB 4CBF 9D15 9CC106AC0052 uczniowie p125 ' with oldVersion 5 and newVersion 10 and old.. 890000002 n uzytkownicy_uczniowie null n web_klasa 50 n NSMergeConflict 0xd2669b0 for NSManagedObject 0x5a44480 with objectID '0x5a47830 x coredata E82E75ED 96DB 4CBF 9D15 9CC106AC0052 przedmioty p12 ' with oldVersion 7 and newVersion 15 and old..

How to get Core Data object from specific Object ID?


Object ID I can easily get an object's ID in Core Data using the following code NSManagedObjectID moID managedObject objectID However is there a way to get an object out of the core data store by giving it a specific object ID I know that I can do.. managedObjectContext fetchRequest setEntity entity NSPredicate predicate NSPredicate predicateWithFormat @ objectID @ myObjectID fetchRequest setPredicate predicate However I'd like to do it in a way that does not initiate its own fetch.. data nsfetchrequest share improve this question You want NSManagedObject existingObjectWithID NSManagedObjectID objectID error NSError error Fetches the object from the store that has that ID or nil if it doesn't exist. Be aware there are..

NSURL into NSData (Cocoa error 256.)


error 256. I need to serialize my NSURL. object is type of NSManagedObject. NSURL objectURIRepresentation object objectID URIRepresentation NSError error nil NSData objectIDData NSData dataWithContentsOfURL objectURIRepresentation options NSDataReadingMapped.. is type of NSManagedObject. NSURL objectURIRepresentation object objectID URIRepresentation NSError error nil NSData objectIDData NSData dataWithContentsOfURL objectURIRepresentation options NSDataReadingMapped error error I get error Cocoa error..

Core Data's NSPrivateQueueConcurrencyType and sharing objects between threads


backgroundMOC executeFetchRequest request error nil for NSManagedObject mo in results NSManagedObjectID moid mo objectID mainMOC performBlock ^ NSManagedObject mainMO mainMOC objectWithID moid Do stuff with 'mainMO'. Be careful NOT to use 'mo'...

Core Data Primary Key


method or something iphone cocoa touch core data share improve this question Your options are Use NSManagedObject objectID . Note that this ID is temporary until either the object is saved for the first time or you call NSManagedObjectContext..