

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:12:15

iphone Programming Glossary: objc_getassociatedobject

Objective-C Category and new iVar


static char soundsInChainKey @implementation SimpleAudioEngine SoundChainHelper NSMutableArray soundsInChain return objc_getAssociatedObject self soundsInChainKey void setSoundsInChain NSMutableArray array objc_setAssociatedObject self soundsInChainKey array OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC..

Pass an argument to selector


objc_setAssociatedObject unavailable in iPhone simulator


associated objects. However the simulator will not compile code that includes references to objc_setAssociatedObject objc_getAssociatedObject et al. Undeclared errors Is there away around this Can I make the iPhone simulator compile this code I would hate to have.. supported object otAssociatedObjectsDictionary setObject value forKey NSValue valueWithPointer key id objc_getAssociatedObject id object void key return object otAssociatedObjectsDictionary objectForKey NSValue valueWithPointer key void objc_removeAssociatedObjects..

Can a UIAlertView pass a string and an int through a delegate


objc_setAssociatedObject alertView intKey NSNumber numberWithInt myInt OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN Then use objc_getAssociatedObject to retrieve the objects later. NSString mySecretString objc_getAssociatedObject alertView secretStringKey int myInt objc_getAssociatedObject.. myInt OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN Then use objc_getAssociatedObject to retrieve the objects later. NSString mySecretString objc_getAssociatedObject alertView secretStringKey int myInt objc_getAssociatedObject alertView intKey intValue Using OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN the.. to retrieve the objects later. NSString mySecretString objc_getAssociatedObject alertView secretStringKey int myInt objc_getAssociatedObject alertView intKey intValue Using OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN the values will be retained while attached to the alertView and..

Subclass UIButton to add a property


self UIB_PROPERTY_KEY property OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC NSObject property return NSObject objc_getAssociatedObject self UIB_PROPERTY_KEY @end Example usage #import UIButton Property.h ... UIButton button1 UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeRoundedRect..

When does an associated object get released?


zsImageChanged self zsShowSpinner self.image BOOL showLoadingSpinner ZSPropertyWatcher imageWatcher ZSPropertyWatcher objc_getAssociatedObject self imageWatcherKey return imageWatcher nil void setShowLoadingSpinner BOOL aBool ZSPropertyWatcher imageWatcher nil ZSPropertyWatcher..

error: /usr/include/objc/objc-class.h: No such file or directory


usr include objc objc class.h No such file or directory This is the line of code that uses blocks FTButtonBlock block objc_getAssociatedObject self buttonBlock iphone share improve this question Change #import objc objc class.h to #import objc runtime.h From..